Secure Payments
Your credit card information is safe when making purchases on our website.
We accept payments via Visa, Discover, MasterCard, American Express, Google Checkout, and PayPal.
Credit Card Fraud Detection
For a credit card transaction to complete successfully, it must pass three layers of filtering - the credit card company, the payment gateway (merchant bank), and our own fraud screening system. This multi-layer approach is necessary to protect all parties involved as credit card fraud has become more and more serious. Even the credit card company authorizes a payment, the payment may not happen as the payment gateway may decide not to complete the transaction due to high risk. Quite a few fraudulent transactions were discovered before any damages were done.
As the system is not perfect, legitimate transactions may be marked as high risk and rejected. In this case, we will request the payment be made via a secure payment processor, such as Google Checkout or Paypal. For a high dollar transaction, wire transfer may be required. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Certified Web Site
When entering sensitive information, you will notice a lock icon showing in your browser. This indicates that a Certificate Authority (Equifax Secure Inc) has verified our website and you are not engaging in a fraudulent transaction. You can double click on the lock icon to obtain more information about our website and the secure connection.
Secure Private Communication
The data transmitted between your browser and is encrypted using a unique 256-bit key, which is based on a SSL certificate issued by a Certificate Authority. Encryption scrambles the data, essentially creating an envelope for message privacy.
You should be able to see a security icon appeared on your browser. For example, the following diagrams show where are the security icons for Internet Explorer (v9.0.15) and Firefox (v25.0.1).

Payment Gateway
We use, PayPal to process your payments. These companies are highly reputable and are leaders in the industry. See the article Payment Gateway for more details on the secure payment process.
Our website uses Miva Merchant shopping cart and is hosted by Dotcomhost. Both companies have over 10 years of experience in their respective areas. Both have excellent track records in securing systems. Furthermore, our staff has been in software development and management for over 20 years.